Some people don’t quit drugs, It doesn’t mean they can’t quit

We see addiction as freely chosen substance use, and so just as people choose to use, they can choose not to. Drug addiction affects the overall spectrum of human behaviour both the physical body and the emotional being. This inference is the product of the view that addiction is an entity till itself that people are battling in some way. Under this obligation, addiction is an opponent, thing, or force of some kind that magnetize power against the “addict,” causing them to use drugs. According to this, the addict needs some kind of special strength or ability to “pull off addiction.” Early addiction recovery is a critical thing. Most of the drug addicts are commonly unwilling to accept their situation. Addiction dislocate normal functioning of the brain.

This view makes give up an addiction like losing a game against a rival. So it’s like a game of chess, where you’re outperformed, and can’t come up with better moves and strategy than your opponent, or a game of football, in which you’re physically unable to run fast, or it’s like some other kind of tough job against the emphasis of nature, say, putting out a raging fire, or putting enough sandbags out to protect your property from quickly approaching floodwaters. In these circumstances, you may try with all your might, yet your abilities/strengths may not be objectively good enough to achieve the goal.

So with addicts, we say that they can’t “resist the strong desires” as if a “eagerness” is an entity which the “addict” is in competition with – something they go up against, and either have the strength to vanquish or not. They can’t “resist peer pressure” as if their peers send some kind of forceful magic beams at them which must be resisted. In this situation, the “addict” becomes alike to a refugee in some war-torn land trying to navigate a hypocritical minefield, and if they take one wrong step, say, a place where they used to drink, there’ll be an explosion of substance use. People undergoing from drug and alcohol addiction need both advantage of individualized care and drug rehab. A drug rehab schedule must offer a variety of specified addiction treatment.

Usually, the opponent isn’t so clearly defined as in the examples above, and so we just hear that the addict simply “can’t defeat their addiction.” But it’s right there – the “addict”, the person, is portrayed as being in competition with an textureless thing called an “addiction”, which may be too strong an opponent for them.


In a scenario that there is an entity called addiction, whether they “can or can’t” beat it becomes the issue. An expertise and professional help is essential to root out drug addiction. Professional plays a very important role in this matter. But under the view that the “addict” is choosing their substance use, ability to defeat the opponent of addiction, that is, whether they “can or can’t” isn’t an issue whatsoever. The main issue is their choice whether they “will or won’t” choose differently. In this case, treatment, support, and safe environments are fully inconsequent. The elements that will guide to different choices are what need to be considered.


The elements that will proceed to different choices are different:







So long as choices always implicate picking from two or more options, then the mental products mentioned above need to be applied to two or more options. For instance, the substance user who is malaise by their habitual choices to use substances and is considering a change, will have to see if they can come up with some new thoughts and choices about not only substance use, but also new thoughts about going without substance use, or less substance use. What do they believe are the benefits of heavy substance use, and what do they believe are the benefits of moderation or sobriety? If these thoughts weigh out to create a continued desire for heavy substance, then only NEW thoughts on the benefits of the various options will point them toward a new desire and decision regarding substance use. Thinking the same things will generate the same desires and choices. New information can aid in thinking new things.

So the choice view has nothing to do with potency or ability. Strength isn’t an intention at all, and the ability is there. It’s a matter of whether the ability will be used. When these approaches applied in an organised way, the advantage  can be very cleansing and effective. These rehab facilities interpolate a framework rather than normally applying an entire spectrum of treatment in battle against addiction.